Photo credit: Jodi Bilske Photographics

Innovative Jetties

Tire-Link floating jetties are strong, stable, and maintenance-free.

Our innovative design repurposes used truck tires, linking them together to create a floating jetty with superior stability and strength.

Repurposed = Responsible

Tires are replaced on trucks and buses when the tread is worn, but these tires still have long lives ahead of them. Tire-Link responsibly repurposes used tires, giving them a second career as part of a floating jetty.


By reusing truck tires, we give a new purpose to materials that already exist, responsibly using resources. We also use recycled plastic for our decking boards and side rails. Tire-Link floating jetties are a visible example of recycling.


We link tires together with stainless steel rods, creating a structure with strength and stability. The flexibility of our product enables it to cope well with changing water levels, making it especially useful in areas with significant tidal range.


We can design and build a jetty that works for your needs.​​ Our team of project managers has decades of experience problem-solving and working on the water.

What Our Clients Say​

We move the jetty between two locations, depending on the time of year (wet season/dry season). The jetty continues to give excellent service.​

Clipper Pearls

We had a Tire-Link jetty installed in 2016. Our maintenance outlay to date: zero. Very happy with it. Good to fish from!

Gove Boat Club